Adam’s adventures vr exP

Adam's adventures vr pitch. Vr this one is not free to steal and copyrighted. Just like buzz my closet is meant and conceptualized for vr and model exportation thus creating a fantasy with models and thier own terms of service like deviantart. Adam's adventure is based off my role plays as Adam Snowflake. As well … Continue reading Adam’s adventures vr exP

Archery ADVANTAGEN a free to steal vr pitch

There are a wide variety of bows and arrows you can choose, and you have a basic anime Chevy almost avatar.Character customization.Is very simple. It’s a variety of different shirts with a symbol that you can change out.And pants are a skirt.You can also set your character to be enabled wheelchair.Or have a prosthetic leg, … Continue reading Archery ADVANTAGEN a free to steal vr pitch

brooms vr a harry potter send off vr game pitch idea [free to steal]

Brooms.VR is essentially a Hogwarts inspired or send off. I was imagining it most likely as a fan game where you just fly on a broom around three unique maps and locations.It's essentially that. It's broom customization and different handles, and you can even pick your own wizard and your own robes in case you … Continue reading brooms vr a harry potter send off vr game pitch idea [free to steal]